>Without Intention – Enoch Tan

Posted by By at 14 November, at 16 : 00 PM Print

>Without intention, there is no manifestation. Physical reality is created by psychic forces. The universal mind expresses itself through the individual mind. Our every thought alters reality. You are a co-creator with God. The world exists by the collective intention of the people for it to exist. When people remove their intention, the world would disappear. Our purpose here is to be creators. Only a creator possesses the faculties of higher intellect and will. That is what separates us from all other creatures.

The universe is held together by the word or intention of God. When God removes his word or spirit, the universe would cease to exist. The word or intention of God goes forth to accomplish what it’s sent to do, and does not return to him void. Therefore we do not have to fear or worry that our own intentions return to us void. The intention we send forth will accomplish what it’s sent to do, so long as we do not send conflicting intentions. We have the power to create and this is the truth we must fully realize.
A master takes no credit. If people’s lives are changed, it is they that did it. He knows that he does nothing. Everything that a master does comes from a place of being. His actions are a naturally expression of who he is. His work is inspired and divine. Other people who come into contact with him are affected ultimately in a positive way. It takes two hands to clap. A master does what he wishes to do and the result of benefiting others is based on their response to his actions. He credits them for changing.

Enoch Tan

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