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30 December 2011 at 11 : 38 AM
Torta de Pavo – Turkey Pie
What’s in da Fridge……TURKEY TORTA….
Well alright, it is a meat pie. Something like that.
Two days I made two stuffed turkey breast with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, tartufelle cheese (basically a provolone aged with truffles).
This is a really easy dish.
• Two 9” pie crust. (yeah too lazy to make pie crust. Not that good yet).
• Basil
• 6 six eggs
• ¼ lb of cheese
• Head of Broccoli
• Two tomatoes
• ¼ lb queso fresco
• 1 cup heavy cream
• Garlic
• Olive oil
• Salt / Pepper to tastePreheat oven to 325.
Here is when my best friend comes in to play – Food Processor.
Cut up your meat (not to wreck your processor). Slow add the turkey with the stuffing. Add in the garlic, eggs, olive oil, basil, cheese!
Pour into a bowl. Check to make sure everything was processed. It should be a creamy consistency. Use the heavy cream to smooth it out.
Now…chop the head of broccoli. You really only want the florets. Line the bottom of the pie crust pan with the florets. Now pour in your mixture. Smooth out. Cover sparsely with some more florets.
Take your tomatoes slice and de-seed. Chop finely and integrate the queso fresco. This is your last topping for the torta. Place on top.
Top with a little Olive oil.
Ready for the Oven. You are going to need 30-45 minutes at 325. You just want to make sure that it is cooked all the way thru. Should have the consistency of a cheesecake.
What’s in da Fridge……TURKEY TORTA….Well alright, it is a meat pie. Something like that.
Two days I made two stuffed turkey breast with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, tartufelle cheese (basically a provolone aged with truffles).
This is a really easy dish.
• Two 9” pie crust. (yeah too lazy to make pie crust. Not that good yet).
• Basil
• 6 six eggs
• ¼ lb of cheese
• Head of Broccoli
• Two tomatoes
• ¼ lb queso fresco
• 1 cup heavy cream
• Garlic
• Olive oil
• Salt / Pepper to tastePreheat oven to 325.
Here is when my best friend comes in to play – Food Processor.
Cut up your meat (not to wreck your processor). Slow add the turkey with the stuffing. Add in the garlic, eggs, olive oil, basil, cheese!
Pour into a bowl. Check to make sure everything was processed. It should be a creamy consistency. Use the heavy cream to smooth it out.
Now…chop the head of broccoli. You really only want the florets. Line the bottom of the pie crust pan with the florets. Now pour in your mixture. Smooth out. Cover sparsely with some more florets.
Take your tomatoes slice and de-seed. Chop finely and integrate the queso fresco. This is your last topping for the torta. Place on top.
Top with a little Olive oil.
Ready for the Oven. You are going to need 30-45 minutes at 325. You just want to make sure that it is cooked all the way thru. Should have the consistency of a cheesecake.
What’s in da Fridge……TURKEY TORTA….
Well alright, it is a meat pie. Something like that.
Two days I made two stuffed turkey breast with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, tartufelle cheese (basically a provolone aged with truffles).
This is a really easy dish.
• Two 9” pie crust. (yeah too lazy to make pie crust. Not that good yet).
• Basil
• 6 six eggs
• ¼ lb of cheese
• Head of Broccoli
• Two tomatoes
• ¼ lb queso fresco
• 1 cup heavy cream
• Garlic
• Olive oil
• Salt / Pepper to tastePreheat oven to 325.
Here is when my best friend comes in to play – Food Processor.
Cut up your meat (not to wreck your processor). Slow add the turkey with the stuffing. Add in the garlic, eggs, olive oil, basil, cheese!
Pour into a bowl. Check to make sure everything was processed. It should be a creamy consistency. Use the heavy cream to smooth it out.
Now…chop the head of broccoli. You really only want the florets. Line the bottom of the pie crust pan with the florets. Now pour in your mixture. Smooth out. Cover sparsely with some more florets.
Take your tomatoes slice and de-seed. Chop finely and integrate the queso fresco. This is your last topping for the torta. Place on top.
Top with a little Olive oil.
Ready for the Oven. You are going to need 30-45 minutes at 325. You just want to make sure that it is cooked all the way thru. Should have the consistency of a cheesecake.
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21 February 2011 at 23 : 09 PM
What’s in da Fridge – Mushroom Torta
A simple Mushroom Pie. Easy to make and delicious. You can find the complete recipe on
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21 November 2008 at 01 : 00 AM
>What’s in da Fridge – Mushroom Torta
> So first off, I do not know what you would name this dish but I like it. It is perfect for What’s in da Fridge!!! It is pretty easy to put together. I am basically taking an approach that is used all over Europe – find some stuff in the house and make a… Read More
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