
Posted by By at 22 janeiro, at 16 : 00 Print

>Guy Jazzy Rainey has sent you a message

I am free through the transformative power of grace.

During the most trying of times, divine grace reveals the constant and unfailing activity of Spirit in my life.

When feeling confused, I am blessed by grace as a flash of divine inspiration. In moments of anxiety, grace is the inner knowing of divine love that wells up from within. I am strengthened and comforted, for even in the midst of discord, grace shines the light of understanding and reveals a path of peace.

Grace is the transforming power moving me beyond self-doubt to an understanding of my inner potential. It is light in the darkness and hope in times of despair.

Grace moves in and through my life as whispers of divine wisdom and sparks of insight. It is the power that sets me free.

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