What’s in the Fridge – Rice Torta (Cake)

Posted by By at 17 August, at 12 : 00 PM Print


It is the next day, I have some company come over to discuss www.everydayguy.tv and our future. It is time to make something for the company. Yesterday, I made the feijao and rice.

Just want to make some appetizers, tapas type of food for people to snack on while we sit around and talk (bate-papo)!!!!!!!


Rice, eggplant, cheese, herbs, eggs.

Let’s make a Rice Cake.


- Cooked Rice (about 2 cups)
- One Eggplant
- Herbs (fresh) I had Cilantro, Chives
- Green Onions
- Serrano Pepper
- Bacon (4 strips)
- Cheese (Gouda, Provolone)
- 3 eggs
- Salt, Pepper, Garlic

This dish is very easy!!!!!!!

Dice the eggplant, green onions, cheese, bacon and peppers
Brown off the bacon in a pan.
Place them in a bowl with the rice.

Now, crack the eggs in a bowl, beat them.
Add your salt, pepper and garlic to the rice mixture. Chop the herbs and add them as well.Take the bacon place it on a paper napkin to remove some of the grease. (With the cheese, you will get a lot of oil, don’t need more).

Add in the bacon, stir the mixture to thoroughly mix all the ingredients.

I am using a Bunt baking pan to make the cake.

Make sure your oven is preheated at 350.

Line the pan with olive oil. Add in the rice mixture.

Cover with aluminum foil. If possible, use some rocks or something to place on top of the aluminum foil, this will press the cake and help shape it.

20-30 minutes later.

You are ready!!!!!!!

Let sit upside down on a plate till cool.

Remove the pan. You are ready to serve.

Blog, Comida, Latin, Markets, Recipes, Sao Paulo, savory

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