25 June 2013 at 15 : 52 PM
Just a Man and His Kitchen: Court Bouillon
I love the simplicity of a Court Bouillon. For me, it is a quintessential method for preparing fish, and I use it often for tilapia, basa, and salmon. It’s a simple and fairly fast French preparation that works well with most fish and seafood. Below is the Court Bouillon that I have developed and use… Read More
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2 April 2013 at 12 : 37 PM
Just a Man in His Kitchen: Chili
Chili. Is there a better dish for a cold winter day? Or the big game? Or a tailgate? Or a spring party? Or, for that matter, any time at all? I love a good chili myself, and I often make it when asked to bring a dish to a party or social gathering. Not to… Read More
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11 November 2012 at 10 : 25 AM
Just a Man in His Kitchen: Swiss Chard
Green leafy vegetables are a wonderful thing! No, really, they are! They’re good for you, and they can be a wonderful flavor accompaniment to various dishes. This here is the recipe for the Swiss chard that accompanied my chicken meatloaf. I really like chard as a side for a multitude of different meals. The question… Read More
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3 November 2012 at 14 : 14 PM
Just a Man in His Kitchen: Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes
Who doesn’t love good mashed potatoes? They’re a great side dish for so many different proteins. These Yukon Gold mashed potatoes were paired with my chicken meatloaf, but they can be paired with just about any protein. One of the pluses to these mashed potatoes is that they do not require butter, so if you… Read More
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30 October 2012 at 16 : 15 PM
Just a Man in His Kitchen: Chicken Meatloaf
Meatloaf. Although it has European origins, it really is a quintessential piece of Americana. Meatloaf is right up there with pot roast, chicken pot pie, and other classic American family dinners. I was a fan of the standard ground beef meatloaf for a long time. After some prodding from the wife to try to make my… Read More
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22 October 2012 at 22 : 46 PM
Just a Man in His Kitchen: Tomato Sauce
When it came time to decide which recipe I would share first, I strained my brain for days. Where would I begin this culinary voyage? So many options… so many possibilities… In the end, I decided to lean toward my Italian roots (and when it comes to cooking I seem to lean toward my Italian… Read More
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23 January 2012 at 23 : 19 PM
The Last Supper – Ribeye Steak with Sweet Potao Fries and a Vegetable Stir-Fry Medley
It is that time of year again, holidays are over…. New Year…Time to get in shape….In addition to this I have two major motivating factors, turning 50 this year and my compadre…C.W. Harris has been grinding it out (becoming a Super Hero). I am feeling bad. Need to get back the Abs. But before this happen, I have to have my LAST SUPPER!!!!
So about two weeks ago, passing by one of my favorite neighborhood butcher, La Rosa, I spot Ribeye. (If there any that I am sure God created besides me, it was a beautiful piece of meat called Ribeye.) Something about it started singing to me in a heavenly voice. I could hear myself being delivered. As if I was being seduced and had to cheat on my princesa, she called me. Devour me. She called my name. I knew how Adam felt (or some of our politicians) TEMPTED!!!! I ask for two pieces about two inches thick each. That would give me one piece for me. And enough for everyone else! (I am being fair. For it was I that was suffering thru this moment of deceitful lust!!)
While smoking My UZI Weighs a Ton (thank you Mr. Drew). I walk home… enough time to contemplate how and when I was going to partake of her love, for yes. Ribeye …I shall have you. First, just like any great Goddess, she needed to be prepared for sacrifice. Let’s see What’s in da Fridge? How can I dress her for a soon to come lovely night of decadence?
Got it. She will be bathed (aged) for at least a week in a bath only fit for her beauty.
Queen’s bath (marinade)
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Cracked Black Pepper
- Rosemary
- Salsa (got some left over from Costco)
- Crushed Garlic
I leave her there resting in all of her lavishness for two weeks. (Yeah in the fridge – wrapped and sealed in good old Tupperware – to keep the refrigerator taste out.)
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30 December 2011 at 11 : 16 AM
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Martinez Cigars Customer Appreciation Party is on. As always, Your Everyday Guy is on POINT!!!!!!
Let’s see a lot of people. Need good food. Drink Cigars. What should I make?
AHA…..yes!!!!!!!! Need to get to Fairway Market. 38 degrees a little breezy, grab my Liga Privada.. Flying Pig… Take a walk to Fairway. 60 blocks, just enough to finish the cigar (with my coffee in the thermos of course)
Pulled Pork Sandwiches
- 2 Pork Butts about 10lbs each.
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30 December 2011 at 11 : 38 AM
Torta de Pavo – Turkey Pie
What’s in da Fridge……TURKEY TORTA….
Well alright, it is a meat pie. Something like that.
Two days I made two stuffed turkey breast with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, tartufelle cheese (basically a provolone aged with truffles).
This is a really easy dish.
• Two 9” pie crust. (yeah too lazy to make pie crust. Not that good yet).
• Basil
• 6 six eggs
• ¼ lb of cheese
• Head of Broccoli
• Two tomatoes
• ¼ lb queso fresco
• 1 cup heavy cream
• Garlic
• Olive oil
• Salt / Pepper to tastePreheat oven to 325.
Here is when my best friend comes in to play – Food Processor.
Cut up your meat (not to wreck your processor). Slow add the turkey with the stuffing. Add in the garlic, eggs, olive oil, basil, cheese!
Pour into a bowl. Check to make sure everything was processed. It should be a creamy consistency. Use the heavy cream to smooth it out.
Now…chop the head of broccoli. You really only want the florets. Line the bottom of the pie crust pan with the florets. Now pour in your mixture. Smooth out. Cover sparsely with some more florets.
Take your tomatoes slice and de-seed. Chop finely and integrate the queso fresco. This is your last topping for the torta. Place on top.
Top with a little Olive oil.
Ready for the Oven. You are going to need 30-45 minutes at 325. You just want to make sure that it is cooked all the way thru. Should have the consistency of a cheesecake.
What’s in da Fridge……TURKEY TORTA….Well alright, it is a meat pie. Something like that.
Two days I made two stuffed turkey breast with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, tartufelle cheese (basically a provolone aged with truffles).
This is a really easy dish.
• Two 9” pie crust. (yeah too lazy to make pie crust. Not that good yet).
• Basil
• 6 six eggs
• ¼ lb of cheese
• Head of Broccoli
• Two tomatoes
• ¼ lb queso fresco
• 1 cup heavy cream
• Garlic
• Olive oil
• Salt / Pepper to tastePreheat oven to 325.
Here is when my best friend comes in to play – Food Processor.
Cut up your meat (not to wreck your processor). Slow add the turkey with the stuffing. Add in the garlic, eggs, olive oil, basil, cheese!
Pour into a bowl. Check to make sure everything was processed. It should be a creamy consistency. Use the heavy cream to smooth it out.
Now…chop the head of broccoli. You really only want the florets. Line the bottom of the pie crust pan with the florets. Now pour in your mixture. Smooth out. Cover sparsely with some more florets.
Take your tomatoes slice and de-seed. Chop finely and integrate the queso fresco. This is your last topping for the torta. Place on top.
Top with a little Olive oil.
Ready for the Oven. You are going to need 30-45 minutes at 325. You just want to make sure that it is cooked all the way thru. Should have the consistency of a cheesecake.
What’s in da Fridge……TURKEY TORTA….
Well alright, it is a meat pie. Something like that.
Two days I made two stuffed turkey breast with asparagus, sundried tomatoes, tartufelle cheese (basically a provolone aged with truffles).
This is a really easy dish.
• Two 9” pie crust. (yeah too lazy to make pie crust. Not that good yet).
• Basil
• 6 six eggs
• ¼ lb of cheese
• Head of Broccoli
• Two tomatoes
• ¼ lb queso fresco
• 1 cup heavy cream
• Garlic
• Olive oil
• Salt / Pepper to tastePreheat oven to 325.
Here is when my best friend comes in to play – Food Processor.
Cut up your meat (not to wreck your processor). Slow add the turkey with the stuffing. Add in the garlic, eggs, olive oil, basil, cheese!
Pour into a bowl. Check to make sure everything was processed. It should be a creamy consistency. Use the heavy cream to smooth it out.
Now…chop the head of broccoli. You really only want the florets. Line the bottom of the pie crust pan with the florets. Now pour in your mixture. Smooth out. Cover sparsely with some more florets.
Take your tomatoes slice and de-seed. Chop finely and integrate the queso fresco. This is your last topping for the torta. Place on top.
Top with a little Olive oil.
Ready for the Oven. You are going to need 30-45 minutes at 325. You just want to make sure that it is cooked all the way thru. Should have the consistency of a cheesecake.
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30 August 2011 at 04 : 20 AM
What’s in da Fridge – Stuffed Meatloaf with Potatoes (RECIPE)
Thursday just got home from work…a little early. I need to fix something for the little ladies (yeah that’s right. I cook and what!!). You know being an Everydayguy is not always easy. Sometimes you have to do things you don’t feel like doing ..Just so happens – I love to cook. So what… Read More
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