>Comfort – Guy Jazzy Rainey
Posted by By wally at 7 November, at 14 : 00 PM Print
>Guy Jazzy Rainey has sent you a message
The indwelling spirit of God loves and supports me always.
God is my strength, my guide, my all. God is the promise that when life’s situations and events become difficult, transformation and recovery are possible. I am comforted as I pray and release my life into God’s care.
When I think of others who may need comfort and strength in order to respond to life in attentive and effective ways, I affirm that God is life within them expressing as them. All good is possible. And as I meditate on the good, I hold thoughts of comfort and strength for each person.
The promise is not that there will be an absolute absence of difficulty, but that the indwelling spirit of God loves and supports us in each moment. Comforted by this awareness, I give thanks for life ongoing.
Have a blessed day.